Tuesday, December 22, 2015

R. Kelly Walks Out In A Huff During Live Interview — You Gotta See This!!

This is one of the most awkward things we've seen in all of 2015!
R. Kelly sat down with Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani of the Huffington Post on Monday to promote his new album The Buffet and needless to say… those were some of the most painful 20 minutes of our lives.CHECK THIS EXIT PICTURE!

The R&B singer's latest record is projected to sell a whopping 100K fewer copies than his 2013 album Black Panties. Tehrani read the musician a tweet in which a fan felt conflicted by scandal in the singer's personal life and enjoying his music.

When asked about how he believes the sexual abuse allegations are affecting his album sales, Kelly responded
"I say f*ck that. I say I have a lot of fans around the world that love R. Kelly and I'm glad that they don't feel the way she do, God bless her. But you can't satisfy everybody and you're not gonna always have everybody to hold you down you know… I'm just glad to know that everybody doesn't feel the way that she does."
 Tehrani questioned further on the subject:
"Sex is mentioned frequently in your lyrics. In many of your songs, you talk about having sex with multiple women. Would you say you have a healthy relationship with sex and that that is reflected musically?"
Right away, Kelly quipped:
"I would have to say this, I did not come here to be interrogated. I didn't come here for a deposition. Do you know what a deposition is? This is a deposition. This is not about R. Kelly. This is not about music. This is not about someone who works hard on his music who has an album out. This is about trying to interrogate me and this is about disrespect."
When watching the interview it's hard to say Tehrani was disrespecting him — as a public figure Kelly should know he will be asked about the content of his music in addition to his personal life.
After Tehrani argued that she didn't believe she was disrespecting him, the musician fired back by questioning her intelligence:
"That's the level of your intelligence, not mine."
It got even weirder when Kelly shot off a round of questions asking Tehrani about her drinking habits — unsuccessfully trying to make a point about asking irrelevant questions.
While talking over Tehrani asking a follow-up question, Kelly said:
"I love all of my fans. People who are with me, people who are against me, I love them all. It doesn't matter who they are: if they hate me, they love me, they want to destroy them. I love them all, and I love you, too."
To which Tehrani responded:
"You don't have to give me your love, sir."
Ultimately, R. Kelly abruptly got up and we're assuming went to McDonald's — since he threatened to leave and go there earlier in the interview. But not before calling Tehrani "very beautiful."
She insisted:
"You don't need to comment on my appearance, sir."

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