Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday Twitter Drama : A Lady Rants About How A Guy Contracts Her for a 100k Sexual Relationship

So Guys, Earlier today and still trending on twitter is the story of a lady who was offered 100k/month pay for sexual satisfaction from another twitter male follower : Read her tweets

  1. Since yesterday, he kept following me until I decided to unfollow him this morning. I was expecting him to man up and go through with it
  2. 71. My Dad had a company that we were running, just that we could not access his account.
  3. 70. Anyways, as luck would have it. The letter of administration is out.
  4. 69. I opted to feed myself even when I agree to the deal. So I don't understand what he's saying. Neither did I talk about the job anymore
  5. 68. Then this morning, he's rosorted to insulting my father, calling me poor and that I am quarreling with him because he refused to feed me
  6. 67. As a matter of fact, I have been pushing him to the wall on purpose. So he can do it once and for all so all of us can rest.
  7. 66. But when I called his bluff and begged him to do it, he sent me a DM, trying to act all mature, telling me not to push him blah blah
  8. 65. Which is to start posting screenshots of our conversations, telling everyone I almost agreed to be his paid companion. And so what?
  9. 64. As a matter of fact, I deliberately goaded him to do exactly what I knew he was about to do.
  10. 63. But yesterday, cos I considered his question stupid he issued a veiled threat at me. Telling me to wait for what he is about to do to me
  11. 62. We still follow each other on Twitter and have normal arguments.
  12. 61. We had one or two normal conversations after that. And I told him about my Dad's burial and that was it
  13. 69. But he did promise to submit my CV if he gets a chance and get me a job. So I thanked profusely and that was it.
  14. 59. Especially since I suddenly decided to come to a Lagos after flatly refusing at first, and that he did not want any trouble
  15. 58. That he did not want to go through t with me anymore since it makes me uncomfortable. Especiall
  16. 57. I needed to be sure he was not a disabled person or something. He freaked out and told me to not to bother.
  17. 56. I decided to buzz him a few days later and ask him exactly why he wanted a paid companion
  18. 55. The question that kept nagging on my mind was, Why is he willing to pay so much for a Paid companion? Why can't he just ask a girl out?
  19. 54. Come to think of it. I did not know this guy so well. What if he rapes me? Who would I tell?
  20. 53. While I was waiting for the contract to be drawn, I couldn't sleep or eat well. I felt like I was joking with my destiny
  21. 52. He said I was really cute so he had no problems but as for me, I had no choice. Whether he is ugly or not is not my business
  22. 51. He said he would make do with me. So I told him all my physical flaws, just in case he wanted perfection and he told me his too.
  23. 50.He said I was too tiny and he was expecting me to be bigger. He too was also very tiny so obviously, I was disgusted. But I had no choice
  24. 49. But after all this deal ish, he asked for my pictures and I sent him one or two. And he sent me his too.
  25. 48. cos I did not want to be waiting for long to go for masters. So it's better to do something to keep me busy until then
  26. 47. Due to the strike in Rivers State, the letter of Adminsitration was not ready, so normally, I had to get a job
  27. 46. First of all, my Dad was a King. And we did not have access to his accounts cos he had no will.
  28. 45. I told her why I wanted to leave but she advised me to stay until after my Dad's burial, at least.
  29. 44. So I told my friend I was moving to Lagos. But I did not tell her about the deal I was about to make. It was supposed to be between us
  30. 43. I wanted to leave the house immediately, not even attending my Dad's burial. So the sooner the contract was signed, the better
  31. 42. Then I asked him to ask his lawyer to draw up a contract we can both sign. Since it's most likely a business deal, and he agreed
  32. 41. He tried to cheer me up. Telling me it would not be as bad as I am imagining it.
  33. 40. So I explained that he used to help me get through my pain blah blah
  34. 39. I insisted that I would want my bestie to be visiting me and he agreed, after complaining that I am too attached to my bestie
  35. 38.I asked him if I get to go out with friends and if I get to have visitors. He said I could go out as much as I want, but NO male visitors
  36. 37. But I just have to be ready when he wants it He said in any month I do not let him touch me, then I don't get paid & that was fine by me
  37. 36. I asked him if there would be a schedule for when we have to cuddle and do all that crap and he said not really.
  38. 35. I also him for the rules, but I insisted that on no account would he force me to have sex with him and he agreed, so long as he gets BJs
  39. 34. We agreed that he would pay me 100k monthly. And I get to stay with him at his house in Lekki.
  40. 33. And I could not tell anybody about it, not even my friends. I had already resigned myself to my fate
  41. 32. At this point, I'm already crying but I did not want to leave the house and just go roam in Lagos.
  42. 31. He said the job comes with the package so I either go with it or I leave it.
  43. 30. I tried to plead with him to let me do the work while he gets some other girl to be sleeping with, but he refused
  44. 29. I'm like, if you could teach me to do that cos I've never done that before. But you really don't have to give me head. He said he would
  45. 28. He said it was not a problem that he could teach me, (I think). But then I had to be giving him BJs and let him give me head
  46. 27. Tried it with a second guy and he was very good, but then I found out I was not a good kisser so I didn't know how to kiss
  47. 26. cos obviously, I'd already explained the ordeal of my first kiss to him and it was so gross, I learned nothing from it
  48. 26. He asked me what I could do if I did not want to have sex and I said I had no idea...
  49. 25. But I had to explain to him that I was a virgin so I would not be having sex with him. I could just agree to be his girlfriend
  50. 24. So I hit him up and ask him if his offer still stands and he said it does. He asked to know why I changed my mind but I refused to tell
  51. 23. I knew I could stay with him as long as I wanted, but I have my pride and I did not want to be a liability to anyone. I needed a job
  52. 22. I planned to go to Lagos, but I had no one to go to. Apart from friends, especially my bestie, .
  53. 21. Then she taunted me to leave the house if I couldn't not play by her rules. So I made up my mind to leave to Lagos
  54. 20. But after my Dad's death, I think the pain made her always lash out at me. And it was becoming unbearable.
  55. 19. Technically, she's my stepmom but I love her like a mum cos she took care of me from when I was little.
  56. 18. After some time, I had a quarrel with my mum and she said some hurtful things to me that made me want to leave the house
  57. 17. That was when he opened up about his real motive. So I declined.
  58. 16. Cos I obviously was not comfortable with the idea of working for a guy that would start making advances at me, and get upset if I refuse
  59. 15. talking about how he likes me. Blah blah. So I asked him if I should be worried about coming to work for him since he's interested in me
  60. 14. Meanwhile, the reason why this talk of P.A/girlfriend condition came up was when he was stylishly trying to ask me out,
  61. 13. So I flatly refused and we stopped talking.
  62. 12. At this point, I'm confused so I'm like; "I thought you had a gf" and he said she's away or that it's complicated. Can't really remember
  63. 11. After some time, he told me that the job comes with the condition that I have to be his girlfriend. So it's the position of a PA/gf
  64. 10. Anyways, I told him my Dad's burial was scheduled for August so I probably have to wait till after the burial and he agreed.
  65. 9. I asked him when he wanted me to start and he said by the end of the month. I think that was in June or Juky, I can't really remember
  66. 8. So he said the pay was good with accommodation. Dream come true and I readily agreed.
  67. 7. He asked me how much I was willing to move for and I told him I had gotten a job for 50k but my mum did not let move cos it was too small
  68. 6. He sha asked told me he had a job for me but I had to move to a Lagos and all. I told him if the pay was good, I could move
  69. 5. One day, I told him I was currently unemployed cos I resigned and the job I resigned for, had been terminated by the running Governor
  70. 4. The. He asked for my whatsapp number and I gave it to him. Then he started calling me once in a while and we talk like normal friends
  71. 3. So I figured it was okay to continue chatting with him, even though I could not really remember him, although his handle seemed familiar
  72. 1. So some months back, I got a DM from him. When I checked my previous chats with him, we had once talked about his girlfriend and all...
  73. A fool by the handle tried to blackmail and threaten me yesterday cos I did not agree with his stupidity in my mentions
  74. Normally, I don't like to tattle tale but it's necessary
  75. Hi everyone! I have a story to tell

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